How to calm a crying newborn https://www.pianetamamma.it/il-bambin... Crying is the only way our little one has to communicate his needs and requirements. Let's find out together with midwife Sara Notarantonio how to interpret our little one's crying and how to calm him. #newborn #pediatrician # ► TUTORIAL LINK: http://www.pianetamamma.it/video/bamb... ★ STAY IN TOUCH WITH PIANETAMAMMA ► SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: / pianetam. . ► Facebook: / pianetamamma ► Instagram: / pianetamamm. . PianetaMamma accompanies mothers from the moment of pregnancy to the growth and development of the child. Guides and insights from experts on every aspect of motherhood and life with children. ★ VISIT THE SITE: https://www.pianetamamma.it/ #pianetamamma