Appearing professors: Professor Kim Hyun-hee (Acting major), Professor Lee Kyung-sung (Theater Directing major) #Sungkyunkwanuniversity#ActingArtsDepartment#ProfessorAppearance#Major#Department#SungkyunkwanuniversityProfessor#Admission#ComprehensiveStudentReportSelection#ChaEunwoo#ShinYeEun#PracticalTest#ActingMajor#DirectingMajor Department Homepage: https://acting.skku.edu/acting/index.do Timeline 00:00 Intro 00:13 Professor Introduction 00:40 What kind of department is the Department of Acting Arts? 01:43 Are grades important for admission? 02:22 Do they look at appearance a lot in the practical test? 02:50 Can a tone-deaf/movement-impaired student be accepted? 03:27 Are there any efforts to advance to the university? 03:53 Please recommend some good plays to read~ 04:27 Tips for interviews! 05:27 What are the strengths of the 'Sungkyunkwan University Department of Acting Arts'? 06:42 Do celebrities take the same exams? (feat. Cha Eun-woo's interview story, Shin Ye-eun's school story) 07:35 What do professors say most during class? 08:20 To students who want to advance to higher education