It follows the daily lives of a NEET, a freeloader, and Takasaki as they share a room. 00:00 Ikuto • The freeloader brings a really weird guy home [Room sharing] 7:16 Boys bar • A really weird guy came 17:31 Female reporter • A really weird woman came 30:28 Oda Eiichiro • Oda Eiichiro came 46:22 Slimy creepy guy • A slimy creepy guy came 57:20 YouTube duo • A bunch of really creepy people came 1:08:50 Tezuka Osamu? • Tezuka Osamu came 1:22:50 Super creepy little brother • [Viewer discretion advised] An extremely creepy person came 1:38:06 Opera singer • [Epic episode] A creepy opera singer came 1:52:10 Host • A creepy host came NEET... Nojiri Freeloader... Minami Takasaki... Close-up on Takasaki... Kijima Everyone's SNS https://lit.link/nitotototakasaki #Vlog#Room sharing#Close-up