inspired by a photo of a man who allowed himself to be frozen in ice in the USA in the 1920s, Claes Eriksson wrote Lykkad nedfrysning av Mr. Moro - a cozy musical about invisibility, inefficiency and human possibilities, seasoned with jazz music and a factory environment inspired by Charlie Chaplin's film Modern times. The plot revolves around Vincent Moro (Claes Eriksson), who works by wiping drip rods in a refrigerator factory. He lives a dull and inconspicuous life - until he is invited to participate in a scientific experiment whose purpose is to investigate whether it is possible to freeze labor in bad times and then thaw it when the economy turns. To everyone's surprise, he survives and suddenly becomes the focus of everyone's attention. Only after he ceases to exist does he thus succeed in making those around him aware of his existence. The performance includes an advanced tap number. After Shave and Anders Eriksson rehearsed three hours every day for six weeks under the direction of choreographer Lisa Alvgrim to learn the steps. In order to be able to produce six blocks of ice for each performance, a cooling unit was installed in the basement under the stage. Periodically, freezing water dripped on Claes Eriksson while he lay inside the ice, and he suffered from some mysterious eye cold. However, he does not seem to have received any permanent but. Three weeks before the new premiere at Stora Teatern in Stockholm, Knut Agnred tore his hamstring. Håkan Johannesson, who had had small roles in several previous productions, was called in as a replacement. However, Knut Agnred could still be in a number, as Floyd, the man who is ahead of his time, stuck on crutches. It was written into the script that Floyd had broken his leg when he was about to take a step towards the future.