To subscribe to the Facebook page, click here: https://goo.gl/aRNInA Note ..... {For each kilo of zucchini, eggplant or pepper, 1 cup of rice} Ingredients: 1 kilo of short-grain rice 1 cup of vegetable oil 200 g of meat 2.5 tablespoons of coarse cumin 2 tablespoons of fine cumin 1 tablespoon of saffron 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of salt And for the broth, for each liter, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste [tomato paste] + 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic + 1 tablespoon of dried mint + salt to taste. The ingredients can be doubled according to the weight of the type of stuffed vegetables _ zucchini_eggplant_pepper