A recent study by University College London revealed an alarming fact: each cigarette smoked takes 20 minutes off a person's life. On the other hand, each week away from addiction can add an entire day to your life expectancy. This research, released by the British government, serves as a strong incentive for those who want to give up smoking, especially at the beginning of the year. According to the researchers, a smoker of 10 cigarettes a day who quits could gain up to 50 days of life by the end of 2025. #Jornaldacultura #JC #Cigarro #Vida ▶️ DOWNLOAD THE CULTURA PLAY APP ▶️ Play Store: http:// bit.ly/3KUUHhI Apple Store: http://apple.co/3LgEK72 Subscribe to the channel and click the bell to be notified of news! Follow the TV Cultura Journalism networks! Facebook: / journalismtvcultura Twitter: / newspaper_culture Instagram: / journalismtvcultura TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jornalismotvc... Website: https://tvcultura.com.br/