I'm a water bear who enjoys Diablo 2. This video is about starting with Paladin in Diablo 2. Paladin is considered the most fraudulent character in Diablo 2, and among them, Hammerdin is one of the easiest characters to raise from the ground. With fast mobility using Charge and Bigger, and stability due to the shield, which is a special item for huge damage using Concentration and Hammer, it shows a powerful appearance on the ground that is incomparable to other characters. If you think Diablo 2 is scary and difficult to play, I think you can play it really easily if you start with Hammerdin. Timeline 00:00: Paladin introduction 04:14: Normal start 08:47: Name start 09:02: Bare ground rune word introduction 11:33: Hell start Various Diablo 2 information and community Chaos Cube: https://www.chaoscube.co.kr/ Tradia: https://tradia.me/diablo2/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Craft item information: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nav... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This voice was created by Typecast, an AI voice actor service. AI voice actor: Crooked Chan-gu and 3 others https://typecast.ai?attribution=608975f32fa66ab777ef7a06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Diablo2 #BareEarth #Paladin #NoCapital #Graduation #HamDin #BlessedHammer #JilDin #SumDin #Piseodin #Training #Diablo2 #Paladin