Today it's time for the History and Evolution of Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic Adventure. • Twitter - / daitedice • Instagram - / medicendai • Facebook - / medicendai __ Shadow the Hedgehog is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise or the Hedgehog as we know it in Spanish, he first appeared in the Sonic Adventure games, being a kind of anti-hero and rival of the Blue Hedgehog; the funny thing is that this was decades ago and recently a new movie is going to come out where he is the protagonist along with Eggman so I think it's time for me to tell you about the character that I grew up with. That's right, today we'll talk about Shadow the Hedgehog and its entire history. Sonic is a franchise that will live forever, therefore, today it's time to talk about the History and Evolution of Shadow the Hedgehog. I hope you like it and thank you very much for watching the video!