Join our WhatsApp group Informativo Agrofloresta for FREE and learn more about how to transform your site into an Agroforestry.** Click on the link: https://link.percursoagroflorestal.co... Soil Chemical Analysis: Interpretation and Fertilization Recommendation ???? In this class, we will interpret a live soil chemical analysis, explaining each step of the process. You will learn how to make the necessary calculations for fertilization recommendations and how this can directly impact the regeneration of ecosystems and the recovery of natural soil fertility in agroforestry. If you want to understand how to interpret a soil analysis in a practical and objective way, this video is for you! Follow us too: Facebook ☛ [ / sitiodasmangueirasagroecologia ]( / sitiodasmangueirasagroecologia ) Instagram ☛ [ / sitiodasmangueirasagrofloresta ]( / sitiodasmangueirasagrofloresta ) Share your questions and suggestions in the comments! #Agroforestry #SoilAnalysis #SoilRecovery #OrganicFertilization #SoilFertility #AgroforestryManagement #SoilRecovery #EcosystemRegeneration