Course link: https://anapincolini.com.br/cursos-2/ This video is for those who are starting their careers in social assistance and for students of psychology, social work, pedagogy, law... who intend to work at SUAS in the future or simply want to learn more about the area. The conversation is about the basic (very basic!) toolbox of SUAS. I chose six tools that any worker in the area needs to know. It's the basics to understand the system and social assistance in general. In the video, I comment on each of these tools. The toolbox metaphor is interesting because they are like tools, just like a screwdriver: we don't use them once in our lives and forget about them forever. On the contrary, every time we need them, we go to the toolbox. It's the same thing with these tools here: they are documents that SUAS workers constantly consult, so much so that they are not usually clean and polished, but full of notes and dog-eared pages. And that's how it is: tools are for using, not for keeping them shiny in the toolbox! TO LEARN MORE: VISIT THE BLOG SUAS CONVERSAS AND CONTINUE THIS CONVERSATION IN DETAILS: https://suasconversas.anapincolini.co... ACCESS AND DOWNLOAD: Federal Constitution - CF/1988 http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/... Organic Law of Social Assistance - LOAS/1993 https://www.mds.gov.br/webarquivos/pu... National Social Assistance Policy - PNAS/2004 http://www.mds.gov.br/webarquivos/pub... Basic Operational Standard of SUAS - NOB-SUAS/2012 https://www.mds.gov.br/webarquivos/pu... Integrated management protocol / 2009 http://www.assistenciasocial.al.gov.b... National Classification of Social Assistance Services /2009 http://www.mds.gov.br/webarquivos/pub...