Hello, it's Snow Man! This time, Meguro Ren presents "I want to go fishing at a pond!" It's like going on a trip to a fishing pond and on a boat lol. Sitting on a drink case, the four of us just quietly fish for carp, having a peaceful time... But nothing happens... Even when we get on the boat... nothing happens... But we love those moments! The four of us were able to relax for the first time in a while. Please enjoy today until the very end!! #SnowTube #No #FishingPond ◆STARTO ENTERTAINMENT Official Site https://starto.jp/s/p/artist/43?ima=0912 ◆Snow Man HP https://mentrecording.jp/snowman/ ◆Snow Man Official YouTube Channel / @snowman.official.9 ◆Snow Man X / sn__20200122 ◆Snow Man TikTok / snowman_mentrecording_s ◆Snow Man Instagram / snowman.official.9 ◆Snow Man Weibo https://www.weibo.com/SnowManofficial #SnowMan #Snow #SnowTube #Iwamoto Hikaru #Fukasawa Tatsuya #Raul #Watanabe Shota #Mukai Koji #Abe Ryohei #Meguro Ren #Miyadate Ryota #Sakuma Daisuke