'A solution to snoring that will help you sleep well in the new year!' Snoring, although it is thought to be a common sleeping habit, is actually quite common for many people. We have invited someone to help you overcome snoring so that you can sleep well in the new year. Director Choi Yoon-seok, an otolaryngologist, has arrived. ■ Please indicate the program name 'JTBC Sangam-dong Class' when reporting. The copyright belongs to JTBC. ■ Broadcast: JTBC Sangam-dong Class / Host: Lee Ga-hyeok, Kim Ha-eun ▶ Full article https://news.jtbc.co.kr/article/artic... #Sangam-dongClass #SangClife #Snoring #Sleepwell #SnoringPrevention #SnoringPrevention Get closer to the anchors on YouTube after the live broadcast! ☞Watch JTBC Mobile Live https://bit.ly/3iYhEqa ☞Recruiting Newsroom Audience https://tv.jtbc.co.kr/opennewsroom ☞Subscribe to JTBC Newsletter (https://bit.ly/3IOFY5H) ☞Subscribe to JTBC YouTube (https://bit.ly/2hYgWZg) ☞JTBC YouTube Community (https://bit.ly/2LZIwke) #JTBCNews Official Page (Homepage) https://news.jtbc.co.kr (APP) https://news.jtbc.co.kr/Etc/SmartPhon... Facebook / jtbcnews Twitter / jtbc_news Instagram / jtbcnews ☏ Report https://news.jtbc.co.kr/Etc/InterNetR... Broadcaster: JTBC (https://jtbc.co.kr)