Song to the Payador João Paulo Deckert and Henrique Fernandes Champion of the 44th Coxilha Nativista in the city of Cruz Alta - RS. Recorded in São Luiz Gonzaga - RS. Audiovisual Direction: Guilherme Valadas Musical Production: João Paulo Deckert Audio Recording: Luciano Fagundes Interpreters: João Paulo Deckert and Nando Soares Reciter: Ricardo Comassetto Guitar: Nando Soares 7-string guitar: Felipe Goulart Harmonica Button: Ricardo Comassetto Bandoneon: João Paulo Deckert SONG TO THE PAYADOR Your rhyme exalts the rural man... ...who ties the mouthpiece and uncovers the dawns. In the tenth raw that is born on horseback, to the crow of the rooster shod with spurs. It is an ear-shaped cry of erudite essence, and a Jesuit soul in the timbre of the voice... It is a song of attachment that brings in its core a tentacle of ajoujo tied to the grandparents. And when the wind blows through the fence And a bull bellows, foretelling a storm… It is certainly a bull that comes from the sky on horseback, More than a treat, it is Jaime Caetano Braun. And here from this stage your name shines with the light of the poetry of a true song: It is the song of JAYME, a cry from the ears! To JAYME CAETANO, tenderness and longing… He dawns in the mates in the light of the stoves, in the peace of the quincha and ridge sheds. A soldier of the pampas with a tapered beret who made the payada his own and his flag. Tenderness and longing in the song of the road… …A missionary singer with fiber in his fists. If today I sing to you, in the intoned way, it is because of the legacy of the earthly verse. An instinctive healer with Bedouin roots, who carries in his retinas a shamanic trait. From Mother Timbaúva, the trunk of country branches sprouted like a Tarumã. An ostentatious platform embedded in the ground… …an ancestral war trench. A cowboy bull that is tougher than a core! It’s Jayme Guilherme… …Caetano Braun.