There is a lot of talk about guitar technique, in this video I will show you the only right way to gain speed on the guitar or acoustic guitar. Because we will work with the base, the positioning of your hand and some specific exercises that will unlock the speed that exists within you. BE MY STUDENT: ▶ https://cursosmauricioalabama.com.br/ PATH OF TIMBRE ▶ https://go.hotmart.com/D81993905D IMPULSE RESPONSE PACKAGE ▶ https://go.hotmart.com/G86785485N INSTAGRAM ▶ / mauricioalabama Do you want to advertise your company or product? ▶ [email protected] Team #TeamAlabama ▶Editing Guilherme Courel - @gui_courel ▶Writer Carlos Alexander Tavares Serafim - @carlosalexander.tavaress ▶Social Media Fred Tamburi - @fredtamburi #guitar #speed #technique