Production: BIG NAMBRZ Telegram channel of Sergey Mezentsev - https://t.me/simbackstage Watch YaC 2024 - a big story about Yandex services and technologies: https://ya.cc/t/bA-GSi0L5o4Woe Artificial intelligence scientist Ivan Yamshchikov is not the first guest of our podcast and the topic of today's meeting is the simulation hypothesis. We will figure out whether we live in reality or everything around us is a hyperrealistic computer simulation. Which theories confirm this and which do not. Let's discuss why we need a computer with free will and what ethics has to do with it Listen to Ivan's podcast - / @kroniker Send me business proposals here (vice president of the BIG NAMBRZ corporation Irina) [email protected] 00:00 intro, like the video 01:15 our freelance science correspondent is online 03:18 what is simulation theory 06:10 virtual reality within virtual reality 09:05 live your life in virtual reality in 5 minutes 13:12 about the observer effect 20:20 the body strives for a minimum of potential energy 23:05 "you can't write impressions into a person's head that they didn't have" or the development of AI in this topic 27:40 are we in your simulation or are you in ours 31:08 interesting documentary 34:50 after s*mth we will tell special people about the life experience we have gained 35:35 this is ethical simulator 38:00 simulation involuntarily or about the movie the matrix 40:20 suddenly about dogs 43:25 why do we get pets 48:05 they spy on us through cats 50:03 hamster - simulation of d*mrt for children 54:25 go to your enemies and tell them that they live wrong 55:40 the simplest things are difficult to understand 58:25 it is important for a person to be good 59:30 about the Mandela effect 01:00:39 we cannot accept that everything is simple 01:03:10 we recommend a movie on this topic 01:04:15 game of life 01:07:30 theory from Seryozha 01:10:55 free will in AI 01:14:38 why do we need a computer with free will 01:17:28 why do we need to research all this 01:20:40 AI helps love people