It's the small details that make all the difference in the outcome of your custom-made pieces. In the case of a plunging neckline in particular, it's the modeling and the assertive choice of fabrics that make all the difference. In this video, I'll give you some tips on this topic. I'll even leave here some fabrics that you can use to make pieces with this neckline. chiffon, muslin, silks, some crepes like crepe georgette and amanda. Remember that the important thing is to always test the fabrics, place the fabric in the bias direction and observe the drape. links to the other two videos about plunging necklines on the back • HOW TO MAKE A PLUG-IN NECKLINE ON THE BACK WITH... • HOW TO MAKE A PLUG-IN NECKLINE WITH A ZIPPER OR... Tell me in the comments what you thought, if it makes sense to you and if you have any other golden tips about plunging necklines to share. And for those of you who want to binge-watch other topics about the production and rental of party dresses, here are some video suggestions about tips for details and finishes in party dresses, hurry up and watch. HOW TO CUT A GODÊ SKIRT HEM PERFECTLY Two golden techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m95Yj... HOW TO MAKE A BUILT-IN POCKET ON THE SIDE OF YOUR PARTY DRESS And make your piece beautiful and functional ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVsOY... Live #5 Secrets to interpret any party dress model PLANNING THE EXECUTION • Live #5 Secrets to interpret any... Live #03 Increase your studio's profit by adding party dress rentals along with custom-made dresses • Live #03 Increase your studio's profit... PRODUCTS I RECOMMEND. https://mycollection.shop/denybrito COME SAY HI to me on my social networks: facebook: /metododenybrito Instagram: /vestidosdefestadozeroaprova website: https://denybritoatelier.com.br/ ABOUT MY CHANNEL: Hi, I'm Deny Brito and my main goal is to help people who want to learn about sewing and modeling party dresses, how to create a sketch, choose the best fabric, model, cut, include details that enhance your piece and the entire process until the perfect finish. This will make all the difference in your sewing business. And I'm here to help you. And if you're new here, welcome to my channel :)