If you're looking for a period drama, check out Wakaratei Jirocho's Romance of the Three Kingdoms Part 4: All Together at Shimizu Port (Released June 23, 1953) Based on the original story by Murakami Genzo, directed by Makino Masahiro The day has finally come when the Jirocho family's sign will go up in Shimizu. Then, a fisherman named Miho no Butamatsu (Kato Daisuke) brings in some fish to become Jirocho's underling. Then, Ishimatsu and Sangoro bring in a group of struggling sumo wrestlers, asking for Jirocho's help. So Jirocho plans to hold a sumo show, and at the same time, he decides to invite all the bosses from all over the country to a flower party, but... [Cast] Akio Kobori, Torazou Hirosawa, Seizaburou Kawazu, Haruo Tanaka, Kazuo Ishii, Kenji Mori, Jun Tazaki, Setsuko Wakayama, Hisaya Morishige, Daisuke Kato, Hiroshi Koizumi, Asami Kuji #period drama #Jirocho Romance of the Three Kingdoms #Jirocho Shimizu #Masahiro Makino #Genzo Murakami #Akio Kobori #Setsuko Wakayama #japanesehistoricaldrama #samuraimovie #period drama