There are details that go through the inspection when you buy a used car, but today one item was fixed. The fuel level sensor was giving an incorrect reading, in the end I ended up discovering that it was the sensor model that was wrong for my car. 00:00:00 - Showing the problem. 00:00:29 - Accessing the Fuel Module compartment. 00:01:15 - Relieving system pressure. 00:02:03 - Removing the Fuel Module. 00:06:04 - Explaining how the Sensor works inside the tank. 00:07:44 - Removing the Sensor from the Fuel Module. 00:09:30 - Tip on how to find the original part numbers. 00:15:16 - Diagnosing sensor problems. 00:20:05 - Mounting the sensor in the Fuel Module. 00:22:15 - Testing the level reading of the new sensor. 00:23:37 - Mounting the Module in the tank.