How do big companies trick us? Now we'll find out what tricks they use to get us to spend more than we planned. Perhaps we can shop more thoughtfully, more restrainedly, and stay moderate during the holiday season if we pay attention to the most typical, most cunning marketing solutions. For example, how they try to influence us with music, tempting scents, loud colors, signs, and inscriptions. They also try to get us to spend more money with product combinations, free home delivery, and larger baskets. They don't just put snacks at the checkout counters by chance. At such times, they bombard us with advertisements and extraordinary offers even more. While I'm telling you about the problems that overconsumption leads to, I'll share with you some more interesting facts about the American Christmas in pajamas and ugly sweaters. Music www.epidemicsound.com Our Christmas - Snowy Hill Singers 2O24. December 8.