twitch channel / laupok best of live channel / laupoklive hello everyone today we're going to play mario maker but for once this video is adfriendly after that doesn't necessarily mean that it's monetized because sometimes when I talk about serious subjects youtube doesn't like it I should rather fart in a mciro live on twitch it would cause me less problems yes mario maker so but if I say a bad word I reset the level hihi too funny the level reset you know that there I could insult you I can't reset the description you dirty cunt hello everyone today we're going to play no I want it to stop ok I don't say any more bad words don't hesitate to comment with an adfriendly word like carabistouille Twitter: / laupokhf Instagram: Laupocute and Laupok_Yt Cap to support the channel: https://teespring.com/fr/lpKCASQ Laupok T-shirts and goodies to support the channel: https://bazardelaupok.tunetoo.com/ best of live / laupoklive SOS friendship (if you don't feel well call this number) and talk about it around you 09 72 39 40 50