🇨🇳An additional 40% customs tax is imposed on many brands from China, especially Chery and MG. Just when things were getting better in the market🚗 and discounts were coming one after another, the additional 40% customs tax created a cold shower effect ⚠️ SO WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? 1- Sales of Chinese-origin vehicles, especially Chery and MG, will decrease seriously. 2- The Turkey adventure of some Chinese companies that are newly recognized in the market will be over before it starts. 3- The market will be mixed up in the second hands of vehicles whose prices have increased by 40%, when a vehicle sold for 1,400 becomes 1,850, the second hand will also increase. 4- Of course, this price increase will create a domino effect, especially in the last 1 year, attempts to increase prices and testing the market will begin. 5- Before July 7, campaigns to get rid of dealers' security equipment will suppress this chaos to some extent and will rein in the changing demands and preferences to some extent. 6- Demand for the vehicles of some companies that have been thrown out of control will inevitably increase. 7- The way will be opened for other manufacturers to increase the prices of new vehicles. 8- In response to all these, Chinese manufacturers will be expected to establish factories in Turkey. 9- The current deficit will be reduced by reducing imports. These are the possible scenarios, what are your thoughts? You can share them in the comments. #tax #chery #mg #customstax #cheryalınırmı #cherytiggo