Sven de Vries has been a traveling shepherd by profession for four years. This means that he is out and about 365 days a year with his "girls", as he calls the sheep in his flock, in the meadows and pastures of the Swabian Alb in Baden-Württemberg. There aren't many shepherds or sheepherders these days, because traveling sheep farming is a full-time job: Sven's last vacation? Three years ago. Weekends? None. A big salary? None. Why did Sven give up his job as a graphic designer and choose this sheep farming when the majority are striving for more free time and a good work-life balance or are looking for a career with good exit opportunities? Anne Thiele spent two days with him and his flock and found out for herself what makes the job of a shepherd so special and what is behind it all. ------------ Reporter: Anne Thiele Camera: Ilhan Coskun Editing: Danny Breuker ------------ More information on the topic: Sven's social media channels: FB: / schafzwitschern // YT: / @schafzwitschern Podcast: https://podcast.svries.de NDR: Lack of successors among the shepherds: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/nieder... ZEIT ONLINE: And don't forget the work-life balance: https://www.zeit.de/thema/work-life-b... SWP: A different shepherd, a slightly different concept: https://www.swp.de/suedwesten/landkre... ------------ Music: Easy Life - Nightmares // Django Django - Swimming at Night // Alt-J - Something Good // The Outs - Novadema // Wincent Weiss - An Wunder // Stefanie Heinzmann - Roots To Grow // Haindling - Auf leichtm Foot // SOHN - Artifice // Andreas Dorau - Neid ------------ We are Y! - a network of young journalists. In our web reports we show the world as we experience it. We make research transparent. ► You can SUBSCRIBE to us here: https://goo.gl/8yBDdh ► FACEBOOK: / ykollektiv ► INSTAGRAM: / y_kollektiv ► TWITTER: / y_kollektiv ► SPOTIFY: https://spoti.fi/2L7CGNc ------------ ► #ykollektiv belongs to #funk: YouTube: / funkofficial funk web app: http://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk ► A production of sendefähig GmbH / sendefaehig // http://sendefaehig.com