The story tells of the incredible friendship between Itan and his dog Bailey throughout the animal's various reincarnations. From childhood to adulthood, their bond is strengthened through happy and difficult times, demonstrating a dog's unconditional loyalty to its owner. Best moments: ???? Bailey is born in a kennel and is rescued by Itan, starting an unbreakable friendship. ???? The dog accompanied Itan throughout his growth, living adventures together and being an unconditional support. ???? Itan and Bailey share a passion for sports and family affection, although their relationship with Itan's father is complex. ???? Despite adversity, the friendship between Itan and Bailey stands the test of time and the dog's reincarnations. ???? In his last life as Body, Bailey finally manages to reunite Itan and Hann, uniting two hearts that had been separated. Follow me on my social networks: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok @diegovegaforero Leave me in the comments what movie you would like me to summarize, if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe and leave a Likeeee