Get ready to be amazed by the inspiring story of Valéria, a student who passed the ENEM exam at UFPB without having to STUDY! That's right, you didn't read it wrong. Valéria shares with us how she balanced another college with the ENEM preparation process and how she trusted the knowledge she already had, without submitting to the pressure of passing. This interview promises to inspire you to trust in your potential and embrace the learning process more lightly. Don't miss this incredible story! 🌟 Share in the comments if you've ever found yourself in a similar situation or if you have questions about how to balance multiple academic demands. 🤝 Here on the channel, we seek to share real success stories to motivate and inspire students who are seeking their own academic achievements. If you're looking for more inspiring stories and practical advice for your journey, subscribe for more videos like this! 🧠 ✨ If you also dream of passing the ENEM and want personalized support to achieve your academic goals, HOSPITAL QUESTIONA is here to help. Find out more at https://metodoquestiona.com.br/ ✨ Follow us on social media for more content: 📚 Subscribe to the channel: /metodoquestiona 📚 Subscribe to Telegram: https://t.me/sarahschollmeiernews 📚 Follow us on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSCF9nMo/ 📚 Listen to podcasts with ENEM tips: https://anchor.fm/sarah-schollmeier Together, let's build a path to academic success! 🚀 #EntrevistaDeAprovados #AprovaçãoNoENEM #ENEM2024 #ENEM #Vestibular