Synopsis of the comedy series The Accused Escaped: Hashem Agha and his family live a simple life in a city not far away. Before the severity of his illness, he was engaged in exhaust repair in a rented shop, but due to his illness, doctors prohibited him from doing heavy work. On the other hand, his student daughter finds a job for him in Tehran and rents a house. Hashem Agha has to stop his work and migrate to Tehran. Hashim Agha's migration with his family creates interesting stories and adventures... ----------------------------------- ----- The Accused Escaped Series - Episode 8 Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/NamaNoCH?sub_... ------------------ ---------------------- Actors of the Iranian TV series The Accused Escaped: Siros Gerzhestani, Maryam Amirjalali, Saeed Aghakhani, Ali Sadeghi, Reza Attaran, Shahrabano Mousavi, Malika Zarei, Alireza Jafari, Lida Fateh Elahi, Mahmoud Bahrami, Ahmadpour Mokhbar, Flor Nazari, Seyed Jalal Tabatabai Director of the satirical series The Accused Escaped: Reza Attaran Author of the family satirical series The Accused Escaped: Saeed Aghakhani Producer of the Accused Escaped series: Iraj Mohammadi, Mehran Maham Broadcasting year: 2004 Genre: Comedy, Family ------------------------------------------ Mr. Hashem and his family live a simple life in a city not far away. Before the severity of his illness, he was engaged in exhaust repair in a rented shop, but due to his illness, doctors prohibited him from doing heavy work. On the other hand, his student daughter in Tehran finds a job for him and rents a house. Hashem has to stop his work and migrate to Tehran. Hashem's migration with his family creates interesting stories and adventures... ------------------------------------ --- Serial Motaham Gorikht - Part 8 Cast: Siroos Gorjestani, Maryam Amirjalali, Saeed Aghakhani, Ali Sadeghi, Reza Attaran, Shahrbanoo Mousavi, Melika Zarei, Alireza Jafari, Lida Fatholahi, Mahmoud Bahrami, Ahmad Pour Mokhber, Flor Nazari, Seyed Jalal Tabatabai. Director: Reza Attaran Author: Saeid Aghakhani Producer: Iraj Mohammadi, Mehran Maham Release: 2005 Genre: Comedy, Family --------------------------- ------------- Click on the following link to view the serial Motaham Gorikht: • Serial Motaham Gorikht Accused serial... #motaham_gorikht #serial_comedy #serial #serial_irani #serial_farsi #serial #serial_irani #series #serial_motaham_gorikht In order to respect the rights of the publishers, we have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.