SELLING PAINTINGS ONLINE. HOW TO SELL A PAINTING ABROAD. TOP 5 online platforms. WHERE TO SELL YOUR PAINTINGS. The best platforms for selling paintings. Note from August 1, 2024: Friends, this video was recorded three years ago, so when receiving information from me, please take this into account. The key points have remained the same, so these videos are still very useful and I will not delete them. Currently, a lot has changed due to the current situation in the world and I need a lot of time to collect all the new important information, experience and share with you. I sincerely believe that I will do it in August 2024! and even in two languages! So let's practice English together, because we need it so much for the purposes of these videos. Hugs to everyone! Never give up, you CAN fulfill your dreams in any conditions and in any way! Millions have done it and we can! I'm still on Instagram @olgacree if you need my support! #HOWTOSELLA PAINTING #WHERETOSELLYOURPAINTINGS #SELLINGPAINTINGSONLINE