The story of Lord Gautam Buddha and Sunit How Mahatma Buddha made a Shudra his disciple Bhagwan Buddha aur Sunit ki kahani The incident took place after Mahatma Buddha's stay in Jetavana during the rainy season. An untouchable named Sunit lived in a nearby village. He used to clean the dirt and drains around the temples. One day he saw Mahatma Buddha coming towards him with some monks. He had heard that Buddha was the son of a king. His disciples were either princes, or belonged to a higher caste. So he moved out of their way so that they would not be polluted. Till now no one from the untouchable caste had joined the Sangha of monks. Mahatma Buddha saw Sunit moving out of the way. Now he also followed him. Sunit got scared seeing them following him. The path went to the banks of the Ganga. Finding no way to escape, Sunit threw the bucket of dirt in the bush and entered the river. It was rainy, so the water level of the Ganga had increased. Mahatma Buddha politely asked him to come out. This was the first moment in Sunit's life when someone spoke to him nicely. He came out. Buddha bathed him with his own hands, made him wear saffron coloured robes and made him a part of the monk community. When the local people saw this scene, there was a stir. Religious leaders met the king. They told him that in the history of Kaushal, no untouchable had got religious work till now. Buddha is hell bent on overthrowing the current system and ruining Kaushal through divine calamity, he should be stopped. In three months, Sunit became so proficient that he started preaching. When King Prasenjit went to meet Buddha, he was stunned to see Sunit preaching. In this way, Buddha opened Buddhism for every caste. #motivation #motivational #buddha_story #storiesbuddha #buddhateaching #stories of Buddha #gautambuddha #GautamBuddha #zen