Shalom Famille Vases d'Honneur online, Welcome to the 3rd Weekend Service of the Vases d'Honneur church Kodesh center. May our thirsty hearts be quenched during this moment by the HOLY SPIRIT. Remain blessed! ????️Speakers: Pst Mohammed SANOGO ???? Theme: SECRETS TO SEE GOD ????Date: 03/11/2024 =============================== Our worship programs (in person and live): The RDV of Champions: every Wednesday from 7 p.m. GMT The Saturday of Miracles: every Saturday from 6 a.m. GMT Our Contemplation and Adoration Services: every Sunday at 7 a.m. 10 a.m. 13H GMT (Multilingual worship: English / Dioula, Baoulé, Ébrié) ================================ God bless you!