LAMUN HAYANG BAROKAH BUSINESS JEUNG GAWE KIYEU CARA NA ABUYA UCI TURTUSI CILONGOK #santriakiofficial #abuyauci #sermon #sermonlucu Assalamualaikum wr. wb. we present video content of Islamic lectures and studies All of this content is made to broadcast Islam and hopefully increase insight, knowledge. hopefully our content can be useful and there is good wisdom. If there is a legitimate owner of the image or there is an image posted here and you do not want it to be displayed, please contact us We will immediately take any action properly. vision: 1: I want to have a 100% free transportation tool for the poor 2: I want to ease the burden of orphans and old widows 3: I want to create jobs in the village from the agricultural and livestock sectors mission: besides I want to be useful for my family, religion, country and nation, I also want to be useful for others. Upload schedule every day at 06:00 WIB & 18:00 WIB That's all and thank you Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh