CONTACT FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: [email protected] After Secret Santa, the Akatsuki gathers for final talks before heading off on their next mission. Secondary Channel, VOICE MAKERS: https://bit.ly/2M7C0ZD Channel Insta: voice_makers Channel Page: https://goo.gl/FCqjgr ___________________________________________________ Animator: LOBO GEL4DO Channel: https://bit.ly/2HKux3n Scenario by: Aldo Mendonça Insta: @Aldo_mendoncaa purple platform: hyr0to ______________________________________________________ CAST: LARISSA MOTA - Elizabeth, Merlin, Elaine, Hawk Cosplay Insta: @laryucosplay Personal Insta: @Larissaryu CARLOS DANIEL - Escanor, Helbram Insta: curlus_daniel MATHEUS LOPES - Meliodax, Gowther Insta: @mafeuso Purple Platform: thorees MARCUS FELIPY - Ban Reaper Dub: https://goo.gl/WfiebR Purple Platform: marcusreaperdub MYMI RAD - Diane Channel: / lindiradio Purple Platform: mymirad DINEY PAIVA - King Insta: Dineyrevenge Purple Platform: Dineyrevenge Script and Direction: Marcus Felipy, Carlos Daniel Editing: Carlos Daniel, Luigi da Web, Matheus Lopes Luigi da Web Channel: / luigidaweb2