What is the secant method and how can the zeros of a real function with one variable be determined approximately numerically using the secant method? In this video, physicist Dietmar Haase shows how the zeros of a real nonlinear function with one real variable can be found numerically using the secant method. The secant method is generally used to solve equations that cannot be solved algebraically or can only be solved with considerable computational effort. The main advantages of the secant method are that no sign change in the function values is necessary, as is the case with the bisection method and the Regula Falsi method, and that the secant method generally converges very quickly. A selected example shows that the secant method can also be used to calculate multiple zeros of even order. The disadvantages of the secant method are that if you choose arbitrary starting values, there is no guarantee that the secant method will converge to a zero and if it does, then it may converge to a zero that was not actually sought. Website: https://www.ingmathe.de Youtube channel: / ingmathede Online calculator: https://www.wolframalpha.com