Check out our live session on the theme: Science and spirituality in clinical practice, where Dr. Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira and Prof. Paulo Cesar Fructuoso will discuss the connection between medical practice and spirituality in the clinical setting. Visit: https://uniespirito.com.br/medicina-d... and learn more about the course we are launching today, offered to doctors and medical students. Keep an eye on our social media and follow us to stay up to date! 🌌 Instagram: @drsergiofelipedeoliveira @uniespirito @caminhodasestrelasoficial 🌐 Uniespírito: Expanding the horizons of Consciousness. #PinealGland #MedicineAndSpirituality #DrSergioFelipeDeOliveira #MedicineOfTheFuture #Spirituality #Unispirit #Pineal #Philosophy #Freedom #Consciousness #Movement #Transformation #BetterWorld #NewWorld #SmartContent #SelfKnowledge #NewWorld #FreeMinds #Spirit #BodyAndSpirit #HumanRelations #SweeteningOfTheSpirit