This video was posted in accordance with the "eBASEBALL Powerful Pro Baseball 2022 Video and Screenshot Submission Guidelines." The most annoying part is Nishida's hunting of beginners ???? ・When Saya hits, he attacks the four corners of the strike zone ・He lures her with balls ・He only throws curveballs ・When Saya hits a home run, he reminds her that she has a handicap by saying, "You (Saya) are automatic baserunners" ・Even though he is quick to replace his own pitcher if he is tired, he doesn't ask for a replacement even when he notices that Saya's pitcher is tired (If Saya hadn't asked, "How do you change him?", he probably would have continued as is) ・He doesn't admit that his pitches are stingy, saying, "If the timing is right, the ball will fly forward" ・He doesn't explain the rules unless the staff prompts him ・He leaves Saya behind throughout the whole time, as she is in a state of "What's going on right now?" Lalande's official YouTube channel ✨ / @lalatuune Official website https://www.lalande.jp/ =================================== [Lalande Profile] Laland is a Japanese male-female comedy duo. Until February 2021, they were not affiliated with any talent agency and were freelance, but in March of the same year, they established their own agency, Lemon Jam. They met as classmates in the Spanish Department of the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Sophia University. They formed a duo in the comedy club at the university. The name of the duo comes from the star "Laland 21185". When I first spoke to Nishida, he was spreading the word in the classroom that he had also been accepted into Waseda, so my first impression of him was extremely bad. ■Saya (the one with the heavier makeup) Threads: https://www.threads.net/@sa_ya__official Twitter (New X): / sa___yaah Instagram: / sa_ya__official Born December 13, 1995 From Hachioji City, Tokyo Highest education Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Sophia University Currently working as an office lady at an advertising company. Listening to Japanese rap/Pre-1st grade Eiken/Singing Nishida (without makeup) Twitter (NewX): /moueyo_nishida Instagram: /nishida__kuso_no_ko Born July 24, 1994, from Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture Highest education level: Dropped out of the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Sophia University (twice) NEET. Gambling in general (especially horse racing)/Reading/Dating apps/History/Volleyball/Self-proclaimed TOEIC score of 900 == ... ↓ https://lemonjamshop.stores.jp #Laland