all about homemade GLUES Plastics in ABS and expanded EPS or telgopor. Not to be confused with the vegetable 'telgopor' also called biofoam, a biodegradable product intended to replace expanded polystyrene (EPS) telgopor or poliexpan used for packaging. then we use: Argentina: Telgopor, Spain: poliexpán, corchopán, white cork, Mexico: Unicel, dry snow or dry ice, Bolivia: Plastofor. Colombia: Icopor. Chile: plumavit, aislapol, Cuba: Poliespuma. Spain: poliexpán, corchopán, white cork, . Paraguay: Isopor. Peru: Tecnopor. Uruguay: Espuma plast. ABS on the other hand is commonly used in Automotive: external parts painted in body color. Toys: LEGO blocks, Electronics: computers, mice and printers.