Culinary 2 generations still exist until now. The legendary Mbah Nyami corn rice in the village of Kuniran Batangan, Pati City. Providing a variety of complementary dishes that are very tasty. If you are curious, come immediately and you must try it, guaranteed to be addictive @bulejowoofficial OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 10:00 - 15:30 WIB PRICE PER PORTION STARTS 7,000 LOCATION 764M + PX9, RT.02 / RW.03, Maguan, Kuniran, Kec. Batangan, Pati Regency, Central Java 59186 https://maps.app.goo.gl/mj8uqv9Dvopki... This culinary is recommended by @bulejowoofficial Also watch other videos on the link below @bulejowoofficial ???? THIS IS JUST SATISFIED 15,000 CAN EAT AS LONG AS YOUR STOMACH FILLS • MAKE YOU SATISFIED, EAT AT A PLACE FOR 15 THOUSAND B... ???? DON'T THINK ABOUT PROFIT, JUST A SCOOPY OF MEAT, EATING FOR 5 THOUSAND MAKES YOU FULL • DON'T THINK ABOUT MEAT, JUST A SCOOPY OF 5 THOUSAND ... ???? 6000 MAKES YOU FULL FROM BREAKING THE FOOD, NOT LATE PEOPLE • 6000 ALREADY FULL!! STARTING TO OPEN NO... ???? THE PRICE MAKES YOU EMOTIONAL IN THE CITY YOU WILL NOT FIND • EATING IN THE VILLAGE FOR 7 THOUSAND + ESTEH IS ALREADY KNOWN... Thank you for those who always faithfully watch my videos. And for those who have just found this channel, I say congratulations on joining, don't forget to subscribe and press the bell button so you don't miss my latest videos. Because your subscription is my passion to help UMKM entrepreneurs to grow even more. And for those of you who have subscribed, I pray that your fortune will be smooth, given health, and success in this world and the hereafter. Aamiin ????GREETINGS KUENTUL KENTUL CULINARY INDONESIA #warung #food stall #bulejowoofficial #culinary #culinaryrrembang #culinarycepu #culinaryblora #culinarybojonegoro #culinarylamongan #culinarygresik #culinaryidoarjo #culinarysurabaya #culinarysuroboyo #culinaryjawatimur #culinaryjombang #culinarykediri #culinarynganjuk #culinaryrmagetan #culinaryngawi #culinarymojokerto #culinaryrma lang#culinaryblitar#culinaryjember#culinarymediun#culinaryrmadiun#culinaryrmadura#culinarybanyuwangi#culinaryrbali#culinaryponorogo#culinarybatu#culinaryseragen#culinarykaranganyar#culinarygemolong#culinaryrtulungagung#culinarypacitan#culinarykudus#culinaryjepara#culinarydemak#culinarysemarang#culinaryjateng#culinaryjaw atengah#culinarysalatiga#culinaryboyolali#culinarysolo#culinaryklaten#culinaryjogja#culinarygunungkidul#culinaryrmagelang#culinarypurworejo#culinarykebumen#culinaryrcilacap#culinarypurwokerto#culinarytegal#culinarypemalang#culinarybrebes#culinarycirebon#culinaryjakarta#culinaryrbetawi#culinarybekasi#culinarysumatra#k ulinerlampung # culinary bandung # culinary jawabarat # culinary garut # culinary tasik # culinary viral # culinary hit # culinary java # culinary java # culinary hunting # hobby eating # indonesia culinary # culinary indonesia # culinary tradition # culinary nusantara # culinary padang # culinary pariaman # culinary jambi # culinary medan # culinary rriau # food vlogger