This documentary shows a very important aspect of the gastronomic culture of Sardinia and the Sardinians, the preparation of Panada Sarda, and although this food is known elsewhere, in Sardinia it has a very particular connotation, first of all for its ancient history that dates back to the Nuragic period, then because it is very different from those prepared elsewhere. Only three towns in Sardinia keep the ancient tradition of Sardinian panada alive, towns that we will get to know in the documentary: Cuglieri, Assemini and Oschiri. This documentary film contains a different aspect of the gastronomical culture of Sardinians and the Sardinian, the Zubereitung von Panada Sarda, and the above mentioned Essen anderswo bekannt ist, hat es auf Sardinien eine ganz besondere Konnotation, vor allem wegen seiner alten Geschichte, die zurückreicht in die Nuraghenzeit, weil es sich sehr von denen unterscheidet, die anderswo hergestellt wurden. Nur drei Städte auf Sardinien halten die alte Tradition des sardischen Pandadas am Leben, Städte, die wir in der Dokumentation kennenlernen werden: Cuglieri, Assemini und Oschiri. Here we document a very important aspect of the gastronomic culture of Sardinia and Sardinia, the preparation of the Sardinian Panada, and also that this food with its ingredients, in Sardinia with a very particular connotation, to begin with for its ancient history here far back to the Nuragic period, because it is très différente de cells preparées ailleurs. Six villages from Sardinia perpetuating the ancient tradition of Sardinian bread, villages that we have discovered in the documentary: Cuglieri, Assemini and Oschiri. This documentary shows a very important aspect of the gastronomic culture of Cerdeña and the Sardinians, the preparation of Sardinian bread, and although this food is known in other places, in Cerdeña it has a very particular connotation, first and foremost through its thousand-year history that dates back to the Nurágic era, perhaps because it is very different from what is prepared in other places. Only three towns in Cerdeña keep the ancient tradition of Sardinian bread alive, towns that we will get to know in the documentary: Cuglieri, Assemini and Oschiri. This documentary shows a very important aspect of the gastronomic culture of Sardinia and the Sardinians, in preparation for the Sardinian Panada, and as this food tells us about other places, Sardinia has a very particular connotation, in the first place for its ancient history that dates back to the Nuragic period, because it is very different from those prepared in other places. Only three stories from Sardenha keep alive the ancient tradition of baking from Sardenha, stories we will tell you about in the documentary: Cuglieri, Assemini and Oschiri. Hierdie dokumentêr toon 'n baie belangrike aspek van die gastronomiese kultuur van Sardinië en die Sardiniërs, die voorbereiding van Panada Sarda, en hoewel hierdie kos elders bekend is, het dit in Sardinië 'n baie besondere konnotasie, eerstens vir sy antieke geskiedenis wat terugdateer tot die Nuragiese tydperk, dan omdat dit baie anders is as dié wat elders voorberei is. Slegs drie dorpe in Sardinië hou die antieke tradisie van Sardiniese panada lewendig, dorpe wat ons in die dokumentêr sal leer ken: Cuglieri, Assemini en Oschiri. Этот документальный важный аспект гастрономической культуры Сардинии и сардинцев, приготовление панада so, and so on and so on, and so on. I'll let you know what I've done, I'll let you know древней I'm sure you'll find out more about what you've done, what you'll do, That's why it's the story of the story. The story of the story of the story of the story сардинской панады, города, с которыми мы познакомимся в документальном Title: Кулььери, Ассемини и Ошири. Etot dokumental'nyy fil'm pokazyvayet ochen' vazhnyy aspekt gastronomicheskoy kul'tury Sardinii i sardintsev, prigotovleniye panada sardy, i khotya eta yeda izvestna v drugikh mestakh, na Sardinii ona imeyet ochen' spetsificheskiy ottenok, prezhde vsego iz-za svoyey drevney istorii, kotoraya voskhodit kk nuragicheskomu periodu, to potomu, chto on sil'no otlichayetsya ot podgotovlennykh v drugikh mestakh. Tol'ko tri goroda na Sardinii sokhranyayut drevnyuyu traditsiyu sardinskoy panady, goroda, s kotorymi my poznakomimsya v dokumental'nom fil'me: Kul''yeri, Assemini i Oshiri.