Highlights of the Match Between Santos x Atletico MG For the 1998 Brazilian Championship Santos Atletico MG Zetti Emerson Anderson Lima Alcir Argel Sandro Barbosa (Lima) Athirson (Adiel) Everaldo Claudiomiro Claudio Caçapa Narciso Roberto Jorginho (Fernandes) Bruno Aristizabal Hernane Viola Boiadero Lucio Marques Sandro Valdir Bigode Coach: Emerson Leão Coach Carlos Alberto Torres Broadcast: Band Narration: Luciano do Valle Commentary: Roberto Rivelino Date: August 19, 1998 Time: 1:30 p.m. Location: Santos-SP, Brazil Stadium: Vila Belmiro Reason: 6th round of the 1998 Brazilian Championship Revenue: R$ 83,885.00 Paying Attendance: 9,062 Referee: Luiz Augusto Teotônio de Almeida (DF) Goals ●Atletico Marques (26' of the 1st half) Valdir (34' of the 1st half) Valdir (13' of the 2nd half) Valdir (27' of the 2nd half) ●Santos Lúcio (15' of the 2nd half) Aristizábal (29' of the 2nd half) Viola (33' of the 2nd half) Claudiomiro (43' of the 2nd half) Watch Also • Atlético-MG 3X2 Corinthians ●Final of the... • Santos 3x3 Palmeiras ●Brazilian Championship...