Which programs to install on a new laptop or which programs to install after formatting? Each professional has their own standard of programs that they install and advise their clients on. In this video, I will show you which programs I recommend, whether to install on a new laptop or which programs to install after formatting. The phrase in this video could also be which programs should I have on my laptop or which programs are essential for a PC, and also programs that every laptop should have. 1. Update your Windows completely, as I demonstrate in the video. To access the list of programs, click on the link below: https://especialistaemti.com.br/quais... Among the programs are which are the best antiviruses, browsers, PDF readers, decompressors, video codecs, Microsoft Office, and a free option for Office. Did you like the video which programs to install on a new laptop or which programs to install after formatting? Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel. Follow me on social media: Facebook: /escolaremti.com.br Instagram: @especialistaemti.com.br www.especialistaemti.com.br