The basis of the Sagar Dantza is Napa, a dance that has spread throughout Gipuzkoa, where dancers play with apples. The video shows the choreography of the Sagar Dantza, which was usually shown to children, danced by the children of the Korostiko Azerien group, that is, children aged 7-8. Music performed with a traditional txistu band: 1. Txistu player: Garikoitz Mendizabal 2. Txistu player: Iñaki Letamendia Whistle: Ion Garmendia Atabala: Iñaki Letamendia During the Herritik Hirira festival, we went from town to town through dances and stories. The initial dances were based around the farmhouse and then with the city of Donosti as a reference, we went there, offering a kind of homage to the latter with the excuse of being the European Capital of Culture for 2016. December 29, 2015 URBELTZ pelota court, LEGAZPI KOROSTI DANTZA TALDEA