Naruto transforms into the Nine-Tails and attacks Gaara and Shukaku Naruto Dubbed Sasuke catches up with Gaara, Kankurou, and Temari. Sasuke manages to defeat Temari and continues his pursuit of Kankurou and Gaara. Temari takes Gaara and Kankurou stays to fight, but Shino appears to fight him and Sasuke continues on his way. Shino defeats Kankurou, but cannot continue because he is poisoned. Gaara has his Shukaku's right arm released. Sasuke and Gaara fight, and Sasuke remembers what Gaara said when he found him with Kakashi during his training. Sasuke forces the chidori for the third time and is affected by the Seal that was on his body. Naruto enters with a flying kick, saving Sasuke from an attack by Gaara. Naruto decides that they must flee from Gaara, and Sakura is caught by an arm of sand from Shukaku. To protect his companions, Naruto decides to go after Gaara. Naruto's fight against Gaara continues. Gaara has emerged as the Perfect Possession (Monster Shukaku, spirit of sand). Naruto summons Boss Toad to fight the Monster and the two perform a Combined Transformation, summoning the Nine-Tailed Fox. The battle between Naruto and Gaara continues. Naruto and Gaara have consumed all of their chakra, becoming completely exhausted. Without strength, Sakura is released by Shukaku's sand arm. Naruto and Gaara reminisce about how they became so strong.