One of the biggest dangers to a car engine is overheating, and the most common cause is an insufficient amount of coolant, or radiator water. Therefore, it is important to identify if there is a water leak in the car so that the repair can be done as quickly as possible. Often only minor repairs are needed, such as replacing hoses, gaskets or seals, which are usually not expensive. However, if they are not carried out in time, this water leak can lead to huge damage, melting metal parts of the engine and melting other components. The importance of regular vehicle maintenance helps to avoid this. In the case of the cooling system, finding any water leaks before they get bigger or the system liquid becomes insufficient will prevent the engine from overheating. And excessive temperature can lead to burning gaskets, melting hoses, warping pistons and, possibly, even melting the engine. Main reasons for a water leak in the car Water leaking into the car that cools your engine is not normal. After all, the cooling system is designed and sealed to prevent leaks. Water should not evaporate or run out of it, which causes the level in the reservoir to always return to the same level after it cools down. So, if your car constantly needs the reservoir to be filled, some component is failing and this can lead to a much bigger problem. Here are some problems and what to do to solve them: 1- Deteriorated head gasket: The head gasket is responsible for sealing the engine and preventing water from entering where it shouldn't. If this happens, it can mix and change the viscosity of the lubricating oil. If the engine oil is increasing, this is not a good sign and needs to be resolved quickly. That's why you should check your car's engine oil periodically. To prevent deterioration, the head gasket and engine temperature must be kept under control, without overheating. And this can only be done with periodic inspections and timely lubricating oil changes. 2- Cracks in hoses: Hoses are made of rubber and can last a long time. However, at some point they dry out, and this increases the risk of cracks and water leaks. Since the water will be at a high temperature when it leaves the engine, it can leak in the form of steam. Therefore, it is best to always keep an eye on all the hoses, carrying out a complete inspection of the parts every 10 thousand kilometers. Depending on the location in the car, leaks are difficult to locate, since small holes in a hot engine evaporate quickly. 3-Loose clamps: Clamps are responsible for attaching hoses and hoses to their respective tubes and connections. In this way, they seal by force. A loose clamp, therefore, will not have the same sealing power and may be a point of leakage for coolant water. 4-Problems with the reservoir or radiator caps: These caps are made of plastic and have rubber seals, suitable for withstanding high temperatures. However, they can also be points of leakage for boiling water. The most common problem is a poorly fitted fitting when checking, which prevents a perfect seal. Be careful and always tighten correctly. If the cap is dry or has a poor seal, it will be necessary to replace it. 5-Pierced radiator: This is a rare problem if the radiator only works with demineralized and additive water. However, if you have used tap water in your cooling system for a long time, there is a possibility that the radiator has corroded. Another common cause of holes in the radiator is the impact of high-speed debris, such as stones and other debris on the asphalt or dirt. 6-Bad water pump: This part is responsible for circulating water in the engine. Over time, the sealing gasket may wear out and water may also start to leak. In this case, replace it immediately. 7-Temperature sensors and in the housing or chamber where the thermostatic valve is located. In these cases, the sealing or drying of these parts may occur and there will be leaks, so they must be replaced immediately. 8- Engine seals: These seals are in some areas of the engine that are used to access and remove dirt from remote areas when grinding or cleaning. Over time, without additives, they can rust, causing leaks and must be replaced. ✅ River Auto Peças e Auto Center: 📍 Av. Cel. Joaquim de Oliveira Prata, 574/630. 📞 (34) 2103-0800. 📸 https://instagr.am/riverautopecas 👍 https://fb.me/riverautocenter 🌐 https://www.riverautopecas.com.br