Summary of the series In a Day and a Night with the stars Ahmed Rizk, Aiten Amer and Nidal Al Shafei Khaled's economic life deteriorates and becomes more difficult after setbacks in his work, his father's illness and heart surgery, coinciding with a nightmare that haunts him that he will be involved in an accident that will turn his life upside down. Directed by: Sherine Adel (director) Gamal Khazim Written by: Mustafa Gamal Hashem (writer) Ayman Bahjat Qamar Cast: Ahmed Rizk Aiten Amer Dalia Mustafa Nidal Al Shafei Walaa Al Sharif Salah Abdullah #On_Drama #ondrama To watch more summaries: https://tinyurl.com/5n7pmn57 Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/ONtvEG Subscribe to the On Drama channel: http://bit.ly/OnDrama Follow us on: ـــــ Facebook / ondramaeg Instagram / ondrama.eg Facebook / ontv Instagram / ontv Twitter / ontvegy TikTok / ontv