???? Psychopathy and psychopathic behaviors During the first season, the series follows the detectives of the Special Victims Unit of the New York Police Department (NYPD), based in the 16th Precinct, as they investigate sexual crimes. Originally the show focuses on senior detectives Elliot Stabler and John Munch and their partners, Olivia Benson and Brian Cassidy, however from the second season the series focuses more on the relationship between Detective Elliot Stabler and his partner Detective Olivia Benson, until the end of season 12. The detectives are supervised by veteran Captain Donald Cragen and are supported by Detectives Monique Jeffries and Ken Briscoe during the first season. When Cassidy is transferred to Narcotics after thirteen episodes, Jeffries becomes Munch's partner until the start of the second season, when Munch is permanently partnered with Detective Fin Tutuola and Jeffries is transferred to the Vice Unit. Following the season 12 finale, when Detective Elliot Stabler shoots a teenage girl who breaks into the SVU room shooting and causing fatalities, he is placed on administrative leave, and in season 13, which takes place a month later, he decides to retire from the SVU and the Police Department. In the same episode, Amanda Rollins, a young detective from the Atlanta Sex Crimes Unit who has been hired by Captain Cragen, arrives. In the following episode, Nick Amaro, a Narcotics detective assigned to work at SVU, arrives. Benson does not immediately warm up to the new members of the unit until later in the season. During the first season, the unit does not receive a full-time Assistant District Attorney until the arrival of Alexandra Cabot during the second season, who is assigned to work with the detectives. After Cabot's departure in the fifth season, the position is filled by Casey Novak who remains until the end of the ninth season when she is censured for lying to a judge (though she later reappears in season twelfth after three years of censure) and Kim Greylek is brought in as a replacement in season ten and remains until midway through the season when Alexandra Cabot returns to the series. #Psychology #Psychopaths #Despair #integratedpsychopath #narcissists #therapy #integratedpsychopath #psychology #workshops #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #howdoyoufallinlove #manipulation #triangulation #Identifyanarcissist #mobbing #bullying #howdoyoufallinlovewithanarcissist #toxiclove #zerocontact #heartbreak #emotionaltrauma #posttraumaticstress #cognitivedissonance #howdoyoufallinlovewithapsychopath #zerosuicide #soulrape #emotionalrecovery #soulhealing #conferences