We invite you to the broadcast of the afternoon main events of the first and second day of Copernicus Festival 2024: Machine. During the broadcast, you can ask questions in the chat - we will be able to pass them on to our guests. What awaits us? 17.30-18.30 CONFRONTATIONS: What is the brain for? Alicja Puścian, Marek Binder, host: Mateusz Hohol Can the processes occurring in the brain be fully simulated in computers, or will certain aspects of our neurobiology - emotions, intuition, consciousness - remain forever inaccessible to machines? A neurobiologist and a cognitive scientist will explain how we try to understand the structure and functioning of the brain, and talk about whether the metaphor of the brain as an information-processing machine explains or obscures more. 19.00-20.00 LECTURE: Agnieszka Pollo, Astronomy of the (near) future: data, machines, people Prof. Agnieszka Pollo, deputy director of the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Świerk and researcher at the Jagiellonian University Astronomical Observatory, will talk about our contemporary inquiries into the structure and evolution of the cosmos – as well as the tools used by observational cosmology. In what research tasks will computers replace scientists, and when can people – including those not professionally involved in science – act like a distributed supercomputer, explaining the secrets of the cosmos? 20.15-21.00 INTERVIEW: White spots in the sky, Agnieszka Pollo, Tomasz Miller After the lecture, we will talk with Prof. Pollo about what we still don't know about the universe and where the keys to understanding it lie. Dark matter and energy, invisible galaxies, supermassive black holes... what else is keeping space researchers awake at night? *** The partners of Copernicus Festival 2024: Machine are the Małopolska Tourism Organisation and the City of Kraków. The project is co-financed from the state budget, granted by the Minister of Education and Science under the "Social Responsibility of Science II" Program. The partner of the Confrontations band is the National Science Center in Krakow. We also invite you to the exhibition "City. Technosensitivity - a story about the development of engineering thought and technology from the first concepts of ancient cities to visions of extraterrestrial urban planning - mit.krakow.pl Support the Copernicus channel: / @copernicuscenter https://patronite.pl/copernicus