READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION This video was made with great care and especially for you who are going to take a driving test. YOU CAN ALSO PARTICIPATE ►Learn more about No Shave November: ➜Link 01 http://www.purebreak.com.br/noticias/... ➜ Link 02 https://no-shave.org/ ►The official rules of No Shave November: ➜ Link http://www.elhombre.com.br/as-regras-... ►How to purchase your sticker? ➜Call me on my Facebook inbox (Link below) or ➜Send me an email with the following information: ♦Inform the quantity of stickers you want. ♦Your name and full address with zip code, (check it correctly and don't miss anything). ♦Tel number. Contact ➜E-mail: [email protected] ►Payment methods ➜Via Paypal account. ➜Or bank deposit Caixa Econômica Federal / lottery Ag. 2525 Op. 13 Cont/Savings. 00613899-5 José Alberto de Paula Mendes ➜ Note: I'm not here to generate any friction between tribes ► Did you like it? Click on the thumbs up!, enjoy and share! ►Subscribe to my channel: https://goo.gl/3kd812 ►Channel Partners: ♦Mais Jovem FM ➜Link to listen http://www.radios.com.br/aovivo/Radio... ➜Link to the video page http://radiomaisjovemfm.com/canalbeto... ►TOP 20 YUTUBERS TRUCKERS 2016 • TOP 20 YOUTUBERS TRUCKERS 2016 ►Send your video of a maximum of 30 seconds to be in the next introduction of our videos, (RECORD THE VIDEO WITH YOUR CELL PHONE HORIZONTALLY), send it to us via the channel's WhatsApp: 063-84834142 If it doesn't work, try adding (9) before (8). ►Business email: ➜[email protected] ►My secondary channel: Diário do Beto Brasil / diÁrio do beto brasil ►Cana do Beto Brasil Fans Page / canaldobetobrasil ►My Twitter: / bettobrasil001 ►My group on Facebook: / 1039238402785470 ►My Facebook: / faceradiowebgospel