Boruto sets out on a journey to the Sand Village in search of Sasuke. However, upon arriving there, he finds himself in an intense situation. Sasuke and Gaara are in the middle of a fierce battle against Urashiki Otsutsuki. The situation becomes even more complicated when Urashiki uses his abilities to send Sasuke to another dimension. In order to protect Shukaku from the Otsutsuki, Gaara would send the Biju to Konoha, so that Naruto can protect it. During this risky journey, Boruto and Shinke are confronted by Urashiki, who is determined to capture Shukaku and use its chakra for his own nefarious purposes. At the most critical moment, Sasuke returns from the other dimension to save Boruto and Shinke, forcing Urashiki to escape at the last moment. In the end, the Seventh Hokage takes on the responsibility of protecting Shukaku and coordinating the safety of the other Biju.