BBC News Brazil has gained rare access to women who describe the dangers they face as sex workers in the mining areas of the Brazilian Amazon. The area occupied by mining in Brazil has more than doubled in the last decade, attracting thousands of women in search of a better income. But the UN warns that this increase exposes many of them to violence and sexual exploitation. Reporter Thaís Carrança went to the Amazon and heard stories from women who live this reality. She participated in a live broadcast at the BBC News Brazil newsroom in São Paulo with reporter Vitor Tavares to talk behind the scenes of the documentary and share details of the story that were left out of the video. Documentary link: • The dangerous life of women in the mining... Read the report here: https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/articl... Did you like the content? Subscribe to the BBC News Brazil channel! And if you want to read more news, click here: https://www.bbcbrasil.com #bbcnewsbrasil #news #mining #documentary