What are the monthly obligations of a company under the Simples Nacional? Find out in this video by Professor Luana Trevisan. GET YOUR ACCESS TO BLACK NOVEMBER EASY ACCOUNTING: https://ec.cfaci.me/black-november-aulas In this video lesson, we will explore the essential obligations that a company under the Simples Nacional must comply with. From tax issues to accounting aspects, we will guide you through the universe of obligations under the Simples Nacional. — In this lesson, we will address the monthly obligations applicable to companies that have opted for the Simples Nacional: PGDAS-D; Incoming Tax Registration Book; Calculation of the ICMS credit percentage; Calculation of the ISS withheld percentage; Declaration of services rendered; Related to ICMS ST; Related to the cash regime. We will also cover aspects such as: Main Keywords: Simples Nacional Obligations of a Simples Nacional company Accounting for Simples Nacional Simples Nacional tax regime Simples Nacional Taxation Simples Nacional tax obligations Simples Nacional regulations Companies included in Simples Nacional If you are starting to work with Simples Nacional companies, you cannot miss this exclusive class. — Simples Nacional is a simplified tax regime for micro and small companies, unifying several taxes in a single payment slip. We will cover the main tax, accounting and legal obligations that companies in this regime must meet to remain in compliance with the legislation. We will discuss the different tax categories within Simples Nacional, the responsibilities regarding federal, state and municipal taxes, including the calculation and monthly payment of DAS (Simples Nacional Collection Document). We will also cover the importance of correct tax withholding, payroll rules and other specific obligations for small companies. If you are an entrepreneur or accountant interested in understanding the nuances of Simples Nacional and ensuring proper compliance with tax obligations, this video is for you. Stay with us for a complete guide on the obligations of a company registered under Simples Nacional in 2023 and learn how to remain in compliance with tax legislation. 📚 ABOUT US: Escola Contábil was created to be the largest preparatory course for Exams in the Accounting area (CFC Exam and Technical Qualification Exam) and also for accounting practice. There are more than 2,000 classes that will teach you about CFC Exam, EQT, IRPF, MEI, Excel, Human Resources Department, Accounting Routines, E-Social, Company Openings, Simples Nacional, HP-12C, and much more. Visit: https://ec.cfaci.me/black-november-aulas FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: / contabilidadefacilitada Twitter: / contfacilitada TikTok: / contabilidade_facilitada Telegram: https://t.me/s/contabilidadefacilitada — 👉 CHECK OUT OTHER VIDEOS ON OUR CHANNEL: WHAT ARE THE OBLIGATIONS OF A SIMPLES NACIONAL COMPANY? • WHAT ARE THE OBLIGATIONS OF A COMPANY... ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING: 6 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS • ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING: 6 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS...