The extended family of KH Abdurrahman Wahid will hold the 15th Haul of Gus Dur in Ciganjur, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta on Saturday (12/21/2024) starting at 19.00 WIB with the theme Sharpening Conscience, Defending the Weak. A number of figures will attend the 15th Haul of Gus Dur. Among them are Gus Dur's wife Nyai Hj Sinta Nuriyah Abdurrahman Wahid, Gus Dur's daughters, Minister of Religion (Menag) Prof. Nasaruddin Umar, Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) KH Zulfa Mustofa, Caretaker of the Dar Al Tauhid Arjawinangun Cirebon Islamic Boarding School KH Husein Muhammad, and Rais Syuriyah of the Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Board (PWNU) Jakarta KH Muhyidin Ishaq. In addition, the 15th Haul of Gus Dur will be enlivened by traditional dance performances from the Disability Productivity and Independence Foundation (Disporman) and testimonies from Gus Dur's friends. 🟢 Update on Various Ways to Watch TV9 1) Via subscription TV: FirstMedia, Indihome/useeTV, Transvision, MNC Play, KuGo Sky, etc. 2) East Java Digital TV Broadcast I channel 44 UHF. 3) Nonstop TV9 Live streaming: www.tv9.co.id, www.tv9now.id #tv9nusantara #tv9newmedia #tebuireng #pesantrentebuireng #haulgusdur #gusdur #gusdurian #bathsulmasail