Synopsis: What would you do if you came face to face with the devil? In this film, a world-famous reporter has the opportunity to face the enemy of souls. During the conversation, the reporter discovers that everything he knew about supernatural power is wrong, and that he, like the rest of us, plays an important role in a cosmic conflict between good and evil. Be sure to watch the video with behind-the-scenes footage: • Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Devil Film with English subtitles: • Interview With the Devil - (subtitled... Film with Spanish subtitles: • Entrevista com el Diablo - Subtítulos... Film with French subtitles: • Entretien avec le Diable -------- Technical Details: Writer/Director: Marcel Antunes Editor: Will Volponi Sound / Original Soundtrack: Bruno Volponi Photography: Marcel Antunes Visual Effects: Bruno Volponi Filmed in Bauru, SP, Brazil.